About us


em prevent ag is an accredited testing laboratory located in the central town of Aarau that carries out orders throughout Switzerland. The company was founded in 2004.

Protection against electromagnetic emissions is regulated by the Ordinance on Protection against Non-Ionising Radiation (ONIR) in Switzerland. The ordinance requires that radiation from mobile communication systems in places with sensitive use (PSU) must comply with the system limits. Compliance with the limits is monitored by the responsible authority. In most cases, this is the municipality or canton’s building authority. em prevent ag carries out measurements or calculations to check compliance with the system limits on its behalf.


em prevent ag has been an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 accredited testing laboratory for measurements according to ONIR for mobile communication, broadcasting transmitters and Polycom base stations since 2005. Regular inspections ensure that em prevent ag operates at the highest quality level and strictly in accordance with the applicable regulations.


em prevent ag stands for scientific work according to legal regulations and guidelines.

em prevent ag stands for independent and objective measurements. We calculate and measure without making any judgements.

em prevent ag stands for safe and reliable measurement results. Our state-of-the-art measuring instruments are regularly calibrated and verified.

em prevent ag stands for great expertise and many years of experience in the field of mobile communication measurements. We are constantly improving ourselves and our way of working by developing the technology and continuous further training.

    STS 0437 accreditation

    em prevent ag
    Delfterstrasse 12
    CH-5000 Aarau